12 bags of Dog Food

12 bags of Dog Food

NL: Stichting Forest Angels heeft een donatie ontvangen uit Istanbul en hiervan 12 zakken hondenvoer gekocht van 15kg per stuk en benzine getankt.

EN: Forest Angels received a donation from Istanbul and bought 12 bags of dog food of 15kg each and also got gasoline for the car.

TR: Forest Angels (orman meleği) İstanbul’da ki bağışında 545 tl 15 kilodan 12 paket mama almıştır ve 249,38 TL benzin doldurmuşlar Toplam 795 TL bağışı harcanmıştır

Benzine: ₺249,38 

Dog Food: ₺545

Total: ₺795 




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